Training unit
A Message from the Training Unit Supervisor
The Training Unit is one of the supporting entities at the Common First Year Deanship operating under the direct supervision of the Vice Dean for Development and Quality. The unit is concerned with identifying the training needs at the CFY level, and implementing the professional development plans and measuring their results.
To be an outstanding training model in academic education skills according to quality standards
Upgrading of the Deanship's staff in the fields of professional teaching, scientific research and e-education
• Quality and excellence
• Professional performance
• Teamwork
• Transparency and accountability
• Self-development and lifelong learning
• Creativity and innovation.
Strategic objectives
The Training Unit seeks to achieve strategic objectives emanating from the Common First Year objectives, namely:
• Raising the unit's organizational efficiency according to quality standards by developing an integrated system of higher education training.
• Training teaching staff on the teaching skills, according to a strategic methodology approved by the unit.
• Developing faculty skills in the use of technology in the educational process in accordance with the education technology standards.
• Encouraging faculty members to prepare research and studies, author books and translate modern research that contribute to the development of the
educational process.
• Providing qualitative community service programs derived from faculty experience.
• Identifying the training needs of faculty members.
• Upgrading the faculty competencies so that they can perform their tasks as required.
• Following-up the implementation of the training plan for faculty members in the deanship.
Training Unit Procedures
1. Identifying the training needs of the deanship's faculty and staff
2. Preparing the training plan for faculty and staff members in the deanship
3. Following-up on the implementation of the training plan for faculty and staff members in the deanship
Training Unit Procedures: Operational Steps
1. Contacting units, departments, managements and vice deanships to identify training needs
2. Collecting and prioritizing the collected training needs
3. Categorizing the training needs
4. Preparing the training needs report and submitting it to the Vice Dean for approval
5. Approving the training requirements of the Common First Year Deanship.
Staff Unit

Ms. Munira Al-Jawir
Vice President of the Training Unit
Tel: 57387
Office NO#: 1F18