Student Affairs Units
A Message from the Student Affairs Unit Supervisor
In the name of Allah; thanks to Him and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, our prophet Muhammad, and on His household and His companions.
Dear Students
In the light of the vision, mission, values and strategic objectives of the deanship of the Common First Year Deanship which aspire predominantly, among its objectives, to provide our students with quality services and programs that are marked with technological creativity. We are pleased to welcome you to the Student Affairs Unit to take advantage of these services and programs, which are provided professionally and technically through a distinguished team specialized in student support. We hope this, Allah’s willing, contribute to your service, and help you excel and be creative.
DR. Nasser bin Barjs bin Mutlib
Student Affairs Unit Supervisor
To lead and excel in providing student affairs services at the Common First Year Deanship.
The unit, through its student services, seeks to provide an integrated model in student support services to produce distinguished educational outcomes.
1. Providing outstanding student services that conform to quality standards.
2. Raising students’ awareness of the university regulations and bylaws.
Unit Description
It is one of the service entities at the Common First Year Deanship under the direct supervision of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, and is concerned with providing its various services to students in the field of student affairs.
Student Affairs Unit Initiatives
Commitment is Life
An initiative of the Student Affairs Unit under the supervision of Students the Vice-Deanship for Student Affairs at the Common First Year to honor the most distinguished, disciplined and superior students.
Da’am Online Platform
It is an online platform for the Student Affairs Unit through which students can apply for electronic transactions without visiting the Student Affairs Unit.
I Know Initiative
It is an initiative of the Student Affairs Unit aimed at disseminating advertisements, raising students’ awareness and reminding them of the university appointments.
My Right is an Obligation
It is an initiative of the Student Affairs Unit aimed at spreading the culture of students’ rights.
Important Links
1. Deanship of Admission and Registration Click Here
2. Student Rights Protection Unit Click Here
3. Student's Rights and Obligations Click Here
4. Student Conduct and Discipline Click Here
5. Study List and Tests Click Here
Staff Unit

Dr. Nasser bin Barjas bin Muttalib
Student Affairs Unit Supervisor
Tel: 4694114
Office NO#: 1522
Laith Ismail Al-Wahidi
Student support coordinator
Tel: 4694099
Office NO#: 1522

Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Saqiyya
Student support coordinator
Tel: 4694119
Office NO#: 1522

Youssef bin Muhammad Al-Khamis
Secretary of the Student Rights Protection Committee
Tel: 4694456
Office No# : 1521
Communicate with the Student Affairs Unit
Tel: 0114694728 Or 0114694573
Office NO#: 1522
Staff Unit
Abeer Nasser Al-Issa
Deputy Supervisor of the Student Affairs Unit
Tel: 8057376
Office No#: Gf23
Rawan Saad Saleh bin Durahim
Student support coordinator
Tel: 8057278
Office NO#: Gf19
Halima Abdullah Al-Shamrani
Student support coordinator
Tel: 8057306
Office NO#: Gf02
Munira Majid Al Majid
Office NO#: Gf24
Hoda Nasser Al-Dosari
Office NO#: Gf24