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Student Activities Unit

Activities Unit

A word from the Activities Unit Supervisor
The Activities Unit seeks to guide students' capabilities and abilities to build the personality of the university student. The unit helps them to invest their leisure time, maximize the benefit of their creative and diverse potentials through a stimulating and sophisticated system of quality programs, student clubs and multiple activities (Cultural, artistic, sporting, social, technological, leadership and training courses) which meet all the needs of students. The Activities Unit in the deanship pays great attention to the electronic skills because of their significance in the life of the university student. Therefore, the unit contributes to the complementarity and harmony with academic programs to build a bright future for the homeland sons and create a generation that possesses the labor market requirements within the Saudi system and vision framework.

MR. Zeyad bin Mohammed AlOtaibi
Activities Unit Supervisor

Quality, leadership and excellence in employing students' abilities
Contributing to the preparation and qualification of student leaders capable of assuming responsibility in advanced qualitative ways that stimulate learning and creativity, through active participation in student activities so as to serve their religion, homeland, university community and local community, thereby contributing to the advancement of the economy and national development.


1.    Participating in providing a learning environment conducive to creativity, innovation and self-development.
2.    Promoting leadership skills and self-confidence, and fostering entrepreneurship and the sense of responsibility.
3.    Encouraging students to invest university life in better way.


Activities Unit Initiatives

The student clubs at the Common First Year Deanship operate under the leadership of students and are managed by a structure of students.
The unit has created and sponsored the following student clubs: 
1.    Science and Technology Club
2.    Arts and Culture Club
3.    Social Responsibility Club
4.    Common First Year Rangers Club
5.    Sports Club
6.    Business Youth Club


Advisory Committee

To be the best partner in creative decision making at KSU.


The committee seeks to engage excellent students in decision making process, bearing responsibility, and contributing to the development of the educational, academic, and service process to help the Common First Year Deanship fulfill its mission and realize its goals.


1.    Providing communication channels between the deanship and students in a way that faciltates a smooth educational, academic, and service process at KSU;
2.    Seeking students’ thoughts on the academic, service, and extracurricular activities provided by the Common First Year;
3.    Providing advice to the Common First Year Dean in the matters that students are interested in;
4.    Exerting efforts to make the Common First Year the ideal place for acquiring knowledge, and the congenial environment for ethics, morals, and sociability;
5.    Building bridges between students and the university activities;
6.    Explaining to students the procedures that might be beyond their understanding.


Advisory Committee Sub-committees

1.    Academic Affairs Committee
2.    Student Affairs Committee
3.    Public Relations and Media Committee
4.    Support Services Committee

Arts and Culture Club


To be a leading club in cultural development, raising art awareness, enhancing the Saudi national identity, embodying values of knowledge (love, virtue, and beauty) promoting the public taste, and contributing to building a dedicated and balanced personality that overlook the world.


To open a decent and responsible dialogue that combines originality and contemporariness, leads the Saudi moderate thought to achieve a promising future that respects cultural diversity, values dialogue and other’s esteem, and promotes fine arts.


1.    Promoting and raising cultural awareness in all fields;
2.    Encouraging students to innovate and show their literary and art skills;
3.    Organizing symposia, as well as art and cultural workshops;
4.    Building partnerships with community parties interested in literature and culture;
5.    Raising awareness of the country’s past and present history and maintaining its national heritage;
6.    Adopting constructive and fruitful values of dialogue and communicating with others.


Club Programs

•    Culture
•    Arts
•    Drama


Science and Technology Club

To be a leading science and technology club that sponsors creativity and leads to a knowledge-based society at King Saud University and at the national level
To make a paradigm shift in preparing students in all specialties of science, technology and engineering.


•    To equip students with knowledge and skills required for being productive citizens;
•    To produce new knowledge that leaves a scientific impact, provides creative solutions, and contributes to the national economy;
•    To discover innovative students in all fields;
•    To sponsor inventors and creative students and their projects;
•    To shed light on students skilled in the scientific, technological and engineering fields.

Club Programs

•    Robots 
•    Invention
•    Thinking
•    English language
•    Computer Science

Sports Club

To be a sporting community with a sporting spirit, capable of making excellent achievements.


To promote appropriate sporting culture and spirit with a view to having a sound mind in a sound body.


•    Promoting sports at the deanship and KSU levels, and fostering sports values in the university community;
•    Maintaining students’ public health by providing awareness program about health and sports;
•    Promoting and spreading new unconventional sporting concepts and games at the community.


Club Programs

•    Football
•    Table tennis
•    Beach volleyball
•    Basketball
•    Swimming
•    Chess


CFY Scouting Club


To highlight students’ innovative works and polish their personality in the scouting events inside and outside the university.


To prepare scout students proud of their nation, loyal to noble human values, and carrying the slogan of serving and developing their country.


•    Promoting the culture of belonging and cooperation among the scouting societies across the world;
•    Maintaining the spirit of belonging to the community by realizing and responding to its needs;
•    Preparing students to shoulder their responsibility and make decision;
•    Applying the international scouting conferences decisions and recommendations to the best interest of the university;
•    Representing the Kingdom honorably in the various forums


Club Programs

•    Scouting
•    Rangers


Business Youth Club


To be a leading club in supporting and motivating business youth at KSU and the national levels.


Establishing and fostering the culture of excellence, cementing the sense of initiative, attracting business youth, and building their capabilities to be business leaders in the future.


•    Cementing the sense of initiative and raising awareness of the self-employment culture among the youth;
•    Highlighting the business youth stories and exchanging experiences among them;
•    Promoting the business youth at all levels;
•    Providing orientation sessions, workshops, meetings, and forums to accommodate the youth and their ambitious ideas.

Club Programs

•    Marketing
•    Management
•    Entrepreneurship
•    Project management
•    Miscellaneous programs


Important Links

1.    Student Activities Unit (University Website)

2.    Student Fund

3.    Skill Record

4.    Student Activities and Partnerships Management

5.    Sports Management

6.    Scholarships Management

Last updated on : June 2, 2024 4:29pm