Vice Deanship for Educational & Academic Affairs
A message from the Vice Dean
Out of its keenness to contribute to King Saud University's realization of its vision, mission and objectives, the Vice Deanship for Educational & Academic Affairs at the Common First Year continuously seeks to increase the quality of academic programs by offering outstanding educational and learning services through its academic departments that enable students to acquire knowledge and master the skills required in their university studies and the various labor market sectors. To that end, the Vice Deanship's highest priority is to create an environment conducive to the educational process, to make available all the necessary material and human resources, to attract highly qualified and distinguished staff to meet the needs of its academic programs for specialized expertise in the various fields. Moreover, The Vice Deanship continuously develops their skills through targeted training courses and workshops and focus on adopting the state-of-the art teaching strategies and evaluation methods.
We pray Allah Almighty to guide us to do the best for the welfare and prosperity of our country and its citizens. We are happy to receive your suggestions, observations and constructive views.
DR. Mohammed Bin Hindi Al-ghamdi
Vice Dean for Educational Academic Affairs
About the Vice Deanship
It is one of the educational and academic entities of the Common First Year, under the direct supervision of the Dean, and is directly concerned with the educational and academic process.
- Creating an attractive learning environment that encourages excellence and innovation in teaching and learning
- Improving academic plans and programs, and supporting teaching and learning processes
- Developing the skills of the students and faculty
- Building effective partnerships with local and global institutions
- Implementing the plans of the Deanship in relation to the Vice Deanship for Educational & Academic Affairs
- Supervising the implementation of the bylaws and the implementing regulations governing the educational and academic work
- Supervising the preparation of the Vice Deanship's annual plans, monitoring their implementation, preparing the annual reports thereon and submitting them to the Dean of the Common First Year
- Supervising the development of curricula and study plans in accordance with international criteria;
- Supervising all the academic departments and units in the Vice Deanship while directing them towards the realization of their mission and objectives;
- Supervising the examination process and forming its committees in coordination with the academic departments;
- Preparing reports on the quality of exam processes at the academic departments;
- Supervising the studies that serve the development of educational and academic issues
- Supervising the textbooks’ distribution to students;
- Suggesting development projects and programs for the Vice Deanship departments and units;
- Suggesting academic and research partnerships and cooperation agreements with national and international institutions;
- Chairing the Vice Deanship committees and reporting their progress to higher management levels;
- Employing the modern technology to serve the educational process in line with the CFY mission and prospects;
- Supporting the academic department in providing a congenial environment for the development of students’ potentials;
- Submitting regular reports to the CFY Dean on the Vice Deanship departments and units work progress on the duties, obstacles, solutions, and suggestions for improvement;
- Performing any other duties related to the educational and academic affairs.
Departments & Units
Vice-Deanship Staff:

Dr. Mohammed Bin Hindi Al-ghamdi
Vice Dean for Educational & Academic Affairs
Tel: 4694411
Office No.: 2547

Dr. Walid Abdel Karim Sawafta
Assistant to Vice Dean for Plans & Programs
(Plans & Programs Coordinator)
TEl: 4694505
Office No.: 2547

Dr. Wael Metwalli
Assistant to Vice Dean for Development & Quality
(Quality Coordinator)
Tel: 4694504
Office No: 2547

DR. Tawfeeq Zayed M. AL Regeb
Distinguished & Talented Students Program Coordinator
Tel: 4694308
Office No: 1551

Khalid Saad Al-Shahrani
Vice Dean Office Director
Tel: 4694502
Office No: 2547

Dr. Arwa Bint DakhilAllah Al-Azwary
Assistant to Vice Dean for Educational & Academic Affairs
Tel : 4657456
Office No: 2C07

Dr. Rabab Mohd. Shatat
Academic Affairs Coordinator
Tel: 4657195
Office No: GE18

Fatin Abdul Rahman Shamman
Educational & Academic Affairs Coordinator
Tel: 4657357
Office No: 2C07

Reem Ali Al-Dhobaib
Diwan Officer
Tel: 4657357
Office No: 2C07

Nouf Saud Al-Thinian
Quality Coordinator
Tel: 4657238
Office No: 1F04

Bothaynah Mohd Al-Salhi
Deputy Supervisor of Exam Center
Tel: 4657301
Email :
Office No: 1F07

Jaza Faleh Al-Dosary
Supervisor of Book Distribution
Email :
Office No: 2C07