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IT Unit

A Message from the Information Technology Unit Supervisor

The Information Technology Unit plays a significant role in achieving the deanship's goals on the short and long terms. The unit’s role is not limited to providing equipment to the deanship's labs and offices, and the technical and technological support to the deanship's staff and students. The unit, in collaboration with the other relevant university entities, seeks to promote digital transformation by automating the administrative procedures so that the deanship become a pioneer in the field of electronic transactions. The Information Technology Unit is also pleased to provide technical and technological advice to all deanship's staff and students.

DR. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Qahtani
Information Technology Unit Supervisor
Unit Description

The unit is one of the supporting entities at the Common First Year Deanship under the direct supervision of the Development and Quality Vice Dean. The unit, in collaboration with the other relevant KSU entities, is concerned with meeting the different technical requirements and needs in the field of information technology within the Common First Year Deanship.

Unit Objectives

1.    Ensuring the effective use of modern technology within the Common First Year Deanship.
2.    Utilizing technology to support academic and administrative performance in the Common First Year Deanship.
3.    Providing a stimulating and highly reliable learning environment using the best and latest technological means.
4.    Participating in the automation of the administrative procedures within the Common First Year Deanship.

Unit Duties

1.    Implementing the deanship's plans for the Information Technology Unit.
2.    Developing and providing the technical support for the deanship’s computers and their electronic systems.
3.    Preparing and developing the electronic services (applications, programs and websites) of the deanship.
4.    Providing the technical advice to all deanship units regarding information technology.


Last updated on : May 23, 2024 4:17pm