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Computer Skills Course (CT101)

Course Basic Information

Course title:  Computer Skills
Course code:  CT101
Course pre-requisite(s): None
Course medium of instruction:   English
Course level: 1st
Credit hours: 3 Hours

Course Topics

  • Computing Basics and Text Processing Essentials

  • Presentation Graphics Essentials

  • Data analysis and Dashboard Technique

  • Algorithm and Python Programming concepts

  • Advanced Computing Technologies.

Course Main Goal

This course aims to provide students the basic skills of a computer: The main learning procedures focus on: practical topics of text processing essentials: presentation graphics essentials: data analysis: algorithms and Python programming concepts: advanced computing technologies.

Course Objectives

Students will explore and become more familiar with: 

  • The concepts of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and its applications.

  • Theoretical and practical skills of text processing using Microsoft Word.

  • presentation skills both theoretical and practical, using Microsoft PowerPoint presentation tool.

  • Theory and practice of data analysis procedure (steps) using Microsoft Excel as the data analysis tool.

  • The general programming concepts and related problem-solving strategies

  • The design & development of applications using simple software/ programming language.

  • Basic concepts of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence and Iot.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the peripheral devices, computer system and the different types of software.

  • Skills for managing visual elements, document sources, developing project reports, assignments etc. Which are mandatory at this level of academics.

  • Skills to create presentations that include academic project presentations, seminars, professional-grade presentations, employee training manuals, instructional materials, and kiosk slideshows.

  • The importance of data analysis is a part of strategic growth, allowing students to forecast trends and required actions.

  • Work independently as well as with a group to deliver effective and well- documented software solutions to all problems.

  • The importance Artificial Intelligence, as well as various applications of Internet of Things that are widely used in the field of computing technologies.

Course Assessment

Assessment components Assessed course materialChapterMarks    

Mid-Semester Exam

(Online Exam)

Introduction to Computing and Its Applications130
Data Communication and Backup2

Final Exam

(Online Exam)

Data Visualization350
Algorithms and Programming4
Information Security5
Classroom ActivityPractical Continuous Assessment (PCA)10
Self-Learning ProjectSelf-Learning Project10
Pass Percentage is 60% Overall

Course Study Plan

Queries and Complaints 

  • Male students can visit office number G244 for their queries and complaints, or send their queries and complaints to email:
  • Female students can send their queries and complaints to email:


Last updated on : December 15, 2024 9:28am