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About Department


Welcome to one of the world's largest English language teaching departments!

Welcome to the “English Language Skills Department” of King Saud University Common First Year. The “Department of English Language Skills” is one of the academic and educational entities at the Common First Year under the direct supervision of the Vice-Dean for Educational and Academic Affairs, and aims to provide high-quality teaching of academic English to build a solid foundation of the basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and knowledge that students need, with the aim of assisting them in the study programs they will enroll in at King Saud University.

ELSD Vision

Providing academic leadership and excellence in English language teaching and learning experience with innovation in research and creativity that is in line with the 2030 vision.

ELSD Mission 

To empower learners with high quality English language education and life-long skills through up-to-date pedagogy and educational technology that is underpinned through related research, so that learners are successful in their academic life and beyond into the workforce and the wider community.

ELSD Values

Integrity, transparency, fairness, respect, quality

ELSD background

The “Department of English Language Skills” was established in July, 2008 with the aim of providing King Saud University students with the basic English language skills they need in their university studies in particular and life in general. The department offers language skills courses to each undergraduate depending on the track and the program he is going to major in; in addition, the courses support the progress and development of the student's language and communication skills, critical thinking, and learning skills in general. The department also presents academic English language instruction utilizing the state-of-art educational methods to over 10 thousand (10,000) students annually in two main campuses in Riyadh city: Diriyah and Olaysha. The department offers distinctive academic English language education through different levels and courses that vary at the language level and informational content in accordance with the university program the student will be enrolled in. The department delivers 15 different courses, ranging from basic to advanced according to the levels set by the Common European Framework of Language Education. The department teaches around 4840 hours weekly with approximately 968 hours daily. The department teaches these courses using a variety of international English language teaching series produced by leading global publishers such as Oxford and Cambridge. These books and teaching materials are offered to university students at a reduced price through academic partnerships with the department. The Department of English Language Skills is one of the largest English language departments in the world, with  more than 300 male and female national and international teachers from several countries who speak English as a first language. The team has extensive experience in the preparation of e-learning resources and ancillary activities, as well as design and implementation of paper and computer language tests. Despite the department's enormous size of the academic duties and tasks, its role is not limited to teaching, but strives to develop faculty members professionally and academically by holding workshops and training sessions periodically to ensure faculty members, regardless of their varying qualifications, keep up with the professional development in the field of TESL/TEFL. The department also works to disseminate a culture of scientific research among its members, encourages and supports them to engage in scientific research, and contributes to and organizes a variety of scientific research activities related to the development of academic and professional practices. Last but not least, the department, as a representative of King Saud University Common First Year Deanship, provides training

 services, scientific and academic consultations in the field of English language teaching to the governmental and private bodies and institutions entrusted to it through the university's various partnerships.

ELSD Objectives 

  • To offer English language skills curricula (mapped to CEFR) suitable to the needs of CFY students;

  • To develop English language skills in order to help students achieve language proficiency required for CFY students;

  • To maintain optimal use of English for CFY students in their different tracks;

  • To apply fair assessment systems to test the learning of CFY students in English language skills;

  • To enhance the quality of teaching and learning English through educational technology to promote autonomous learning.

  • To contribute to the advancement of scientific research at the CFY Deanship through the dissemination of its culture and the

     facilitation of its procedures before the ELSD faculty and staff and to encourage academic publishing in all areas contributing to 

    the development of the department.

ELSD Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To implement the CFY Deanship plan with regard to ELSD;

  • To design and develop the framework of English language curriculum that includes General English, English for Academic Purposes,

     and English for Specific Purposes;

  • To implement the framework of English language curriculum that includes General English, English for Academic Purposes, and

     English for Specific Purposes; 

  • To supervise professional training development programs on curricula, teaching, learning and assessment methods;

  • To invest in and optimally employ information technology and learning resources for teaching and learning, including textbooks,

     stationery, ICT and ILT (coordination, observation, and encouraging trainers and students to use them);

  • To develop and administer placement tests, mid-term exams, and final exams, in addition to its other relevant duties as a KSU

     representative in academic partnerships;

  • To coordinate with the CFY Deanship, Vice-Deanship for Educational & Academic Affairs, Academic Departments, and 

    committees with regard to the educational process such as student complaints, attendance issues, etc.

  • To deliberate on research studies and proposals presented to the ELSD/Deanship and facilitate procedures.

  • To support and conduct research activities in the different linguistic fields such as conducting varied research-based events,

     and initiating and supporting different ELSD research groups.

  • To support and help ELSD and CFY members publish their scientific research in highly ranked vessels.




Last updated on : May 28, 2024 2:30pm